The Final Insult
Cute girl: Hi.
Me: Hey.
Cute girl: You trying to grow a mo for Movember?
Me: Not trying, succeeding.
Cute girl: That? Nah, you’ll get there but that’s no mo, I get more off when I get my lip waxed.
Me: But… It’s November 27th! If it’s not there yet it won’t ever be!
Cute girl: *Tisk* Shame.
Me: Oh…
Cute girl: Are you registered? That really is so pathetic I feel I should donate or something.
So, like the stranger who felt pity for my feeble attempt to grow a mo’ and suffering a month of embarrassment, you too can donate to me. Or you can donate to Movember in general, it is a great cause and a lot of fun, despite all my moaning (see below).
PS I will be shaving at one minute past midnight tonight, should I auction off the hair for more money?