Walk against MS

MS is horrible for all those who have to suffer it. It holds lives to ransom and effects the lives of those who have to endure it…

MS  is a greedy corporation run by a giant nerd named Bill Gates who got lucky and is now stuck in a fast moving, constantly changing industry and who holds it back with his stale thinking and lack of imagination putting the world in the grip of a frustrating monopoly.

Microsoft has a history of failed promises for better performance and features in it’s Windows software. We all remember the Windows Vista debacle don’t we, what the hell was that? And let’s not forget the devil spawn that is IE6! Don’t get me started on…

*bring bring*

Weird. Excuse me while I get that…

Me: Hello?

Other end: *bbbzbzbzbzbzbz*

Me: Oh, so MS isn’t Microsoft?

Other end: *bbbzbzbzbzbzbz*

Me: Then I’m doing a walk for Multiple Sclerosis?

Other end: *bbbzbzbzbzbzbz*

Me: Well, I’m sure it’s a common mistake…

Other end: *bbbz*

Me: It’s not?

Other end: *bbbzbzbzbzbzbz*

Me: Yep, yep, bye.

*Hmm Hmm* Well, I guess most of what I said is still true, MS does ruin peoples lives and it’s suffers have a lot to deal with… and Bill Gates is still a dick.

I don’t write this to poke fun, MS is a serious cause and one I am personally involved with. This is simply my way of raising awareness and getting you to read on.

So, if you had a laugh at this post (or even if you didn’t, don’t hold it against me) please follow the link below and make a donation. Every donation counts no matter what the size so please if you’re able make a donation by clicking the link below. Thank you.


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